Friday, July 20, 2007

After Class Eleven

"The Zoo" by Prajita S., age 10, West Bengal, India. (This is a wonderful website for children's art: Natural )
We are in room EDB 7610 for the next class, meeting from 1:30- 4:30. (Can anyone play the piano?)
Also, if you are interested in seeing previous 473 classes' lesson presentations, here are the links: 2005-1 2005-2 2005-3 2006a and 2006b. Lots of good ideas here!
Lastly, I've been getting some questions about the Portfolio. Here are the criteria again: I will be looking at the progress or changes you have made from the original three assignments to the revised assignments. Please submit your original assignments (A.1, A.2 and A.3), the revised version of each assignment and a rationale for each assignment. (If you submitted the original assignments via e-mail, you do not need to resend.) The revised assignments should consider the feedback. Each rationale should discuss the changes you made and why, what you learned, what the writing process was like for you, how you might use it in your classroom, etc. If you decide not to make any changes in the revised assignments, please discuss your reasons in the rationale. I'm looking for a minimum of two paragraphs of discussion in the rationale. I would like you to demonstrate an awareness of how the revisions helped you to advance your understanding of the material and/or the process of writing.
Enjoy the weekend!

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